You've probably noticed that over the last few years, cloud solutions have been discussed extensively, indicating there must be something substantial to them. But what exactly compels small, medium, large companies, and even entire corporations to shift away from other solutions and move extensively ‘into the Cloud’? We can mention speed, savings, and flexibility for starters, but the list of its advantages doesn't end there.

Cloud Favors Development and Improvement

The Cloud has a huge advantage in that it is 'flexible' at any stage of development. If a company needs to handle a project but isn’t quite sure of its requirements or what it should include, betting on the Cloud is advisable. It allows functions to be added or removed on demand, and capacity to be increased or decreased as needed. On-premise solutions require sufficiently powerful hardware to run virtual machines and operate secure, fast data storage. If a company lacks these, all the necessary components for an on-premise solution must be purchased. But where, how, for how much, and to what extent?

With on-premise, you need to have clarity in advance, while with cloud solutions, you can, out of curiosity, answer these questions retrospectively. Servers can be configured according to needs. Whether you require high computational power or prefer more RAM, neither is an obstacle with AWS. Solutions can be built and launched within minutes.

Less Planning, More Action

Another charm of the Cloud is that it allows anything to be launched at any time, no matter how powerful. We can confidently say that while cloud solutions run smoothly, on-premise solutions will never reach the speed of ad hoc deployment. While on-premise requires planned capacities and foreknowledge of how much data you want to store, cloud solutions free you from this obligation.

Low costs and flexibility make the Cloud an ideal candidate for any testing. When you find that an ongoing project does not and will never bring the expected results, you can simply discard it along with the Cloud. The virtual storage disappears, and you won’t hear about it again, let alone incur any additional costs. And what about on-premise? Once you buy and pay for it, it's yours forever.

On-premise Isn't a Punishment

To be fair, on-premise solutions also have their advantages. Some companies have significant reasons for wanting to own their hardware infrastructure rather than renting it from AWS. Having infrastructure ‘on-site’ can be beneficial in terms of direct access to the server in situations that do not allow remote access. For these reasons, some may consider an on-premise solution to be sufficient or even more advantageous.

Nevertheless, we dare say that the group for whom the Cloud can offer more, outweighs the others.

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